The Adventures of Flannel Man: Part 1

One fine morning in the African Safari, mild-mannered Steve Stevenson was sipping his herbal tea whilst studying for the GRE. His chosen major: French Studies with a focus on the Baguette Uprising of 1312.

A most distinguished gentleman drinking tea while studying for the GRE.

Unbeknownst to Steve, a wild Giraffe, the most feared and ferocious beast in the animal kingdom, was menacingly lurking nearby…

A furious giraffe creeps slowly through the forest. He comes oh so closer to our hero.

Enraged by the herbal aroma of Steve’s tea, the giraffe was galvanized into a malicious frenzy and leapt into attack! 

Steve Stevenson gets attacked by the giraffe! Who will save him???

But little did our long-necked, quadrupedal antagonist  know, mild-mannered Steven Stevenson was not mild-mannered at all! In fact, he is…FLANNEL MAN! 

Steve Stevenson is actually Flannel Man! By removing his glasses, coat and fedora his flannel shirt inner layer is displayed for all to see!

Armed with his mighty Flasso O’ Truth (a lasso made entirely of flannel shirts), our hero turned the tables on his spotted, cloven-footed adversary.

Flannel man dons the flasso o’ truth to fend off the giraffe.
Flannel captures the giraffe with the flasso o’ truth

Once snared in the Flasso O’ Truth, the magical fibers burrow deep within the victim and prevent any chance of duplicity. “What is it you seek, Giraffe, that led you to so rudely interrupt my tea time?” demanded Flannel Man with a gruff and manly disposition. The giraffe ruminated deeply on the matter, and arrived swiftly at a most excellent conclusion…

The ensnared giraffe thinks about his deepest disires

“I wish I had a flannel shirt to wear… it gets so cold in the jungle at night.”

And so Flannel Man adorned the once-naked giraffe in a prized Levis flannel, not too vintage; not too modern.

Flannel man provides one his prize flannels to the giraffe

And this day was sung from mountain tops for years to come. All was well in the Safari.

Flannel man and the giraffe, who is not wearing a flannel shirt, raise their arms in celebration

Old Navy Flannel Shirt


Sophistication: How one flannel onesie can change your life